Saturday, March 29, 2008

Our 1st Blog

Sherry has been diligently working on this in between working (start driving at 7 a.m.) 8 - 5 (she doesn't get home until 7), taking care of the house, going to Volleyball Thursdays, Softball Fridays, Homework on Saturday, Sunday School, Church, Class, Small Group and this all starts over again. I decided to help her because I have a little more convenience with my off time. I guess I am fortunate to have a job 20-30 min closer with no traffic either way.

Volleyball and Softball are going very well for us. We are undefeated in Softball. Sherry has a gun from right field. I on the other hand throw hard but not accurate. I guess it is good I run fast. It helps when I miss read fly balls. On the other hand I already have 2 home runs and I am currently batting 5-6 in the 6 innings while scoring a run every time I get on. We are 3 - 1 in Volleyball. Our Team works well together because we are bunch of people that try on every ball. This helps when we lose. I find that if everyone tries hard and plays well losing doesn't hurt as bad.

We don't have kids yet, but we do have a dog and a cat. Biscuit and Angel are doing great. Oh, wait there they go. Biscuit chasing Angel has become a regular sight, but don't kid yourself if you don't think Angel doesn't walk in front of Biscuit intentionally to taunt her.

If you would like to see some specific topics from us, please email Sherry at or me at We will get them posted. The same goes for pictures.


JB said...

Too bad Sherry doesn't drive all the way down to Preston and Mockingbird. I could use someone to ride with in the carpool lane. I understand that 12 hour day, everyday. It is not fun.
More power to you.

Sherry Turner said...

James, you know I would carpool with you if I could. It is a shame that the HOV lane is wasted for you. I could always drop you at 635 & 75!! Sound good?

Sandy said...

Cute, cute. I don't think I have seen that hound before when I have been to your house. Hey, is that pic of you and Chad from my wedding?

Sherry Turner said...

Yes it is Sandy!! Don't you feel honored?!?! I couldn't look any chunkier, but yes, that is the pic from your wedding. Where is your blog??? Get on it girl!