Saturday, March 29, 2008

Date Night!!!!

I am taking a break from homework for a minute so I thought I would post a blog. Chad and I have date night tonight! We are so excited! We use our Discover card for 2 charges a month and we pay it off every month to keep our credit good. Since we use it, we are set up on their rewards program. This year, we cashed in our rewards and instead of just getting cash, we decided to cash the rewards in for movie tickets. Well, it happens that we had enough to get two sets of the movie packages, which gets us two movie passes, a small popcorn and a small drink. 2 sets!!! So, not only do we get one date night, we get two!!!! The only bad thing about movie passes is that we can only go see certain movies on it because they restrict you if you aren't technically "paying" for the movie. However, it has been SO LONG since we have gone to the movies that there are always 3-4 movies we can still see on the passes that aren't considered new releases any more. We are going to go see Vantage Point tonight and save the other two tickets for another night we we need a night out together again. Yay for date night!!!

1 comment:

JB said...

by this blog you have inspired me in more ways than one. So, I created a blog of my own.
