Monday, April 21, 2008

AVP - Chad Posting for Sherry

Sherry is very busy at work and at home so I will post something for you guys to read. It is the same post as I posted on mine but I wanted to make sure she had something new on hers.

For those of you who do not know it yet, Sherry and I went to the AVP beach volleyball tournament this weekend in Dallas. We saw the pre-lims, most of the quarters, the semi-finals, and the finals on Saturday and Sunday.Let's just say 6'9'' and mobile on sand is a good combination. There were some guys that could flat out hurt you with their spikes. It was also a BLOCK party most matches. Oh yeah, most of the players, mens and womens, were all-americans in college. It is un-imaginable to think how they play with 2 players and 1 person always goes for the block. That leaves the entire court for 1 person to cover, yet it seems to work. There were some players that look short because of who they stand next to. After looking up there stats, I don't think there was a mens player under 6'2'', but standing next to a guy that is 6'7'' he looked shorter than me. This has to be the most fan friendly sport. The players walk about the complex with the fans. They don't have their own walk way, security or tunnels. They have to walk from court to court just like the fans. Which brings me to the title of my post. The very first day we went about 11:30, we walk in and Misty and Kerri are sitting in chairs outside of the player's area. Sherry, Jason, Allison, and me went up and got autographs on the back of our tickets. I will digress for a second. Misty May-Treanor is not that short. Standing next to Kerri who is 6'3'', she looks short, but I would say she is probably very close to 6'.We bought a mini volleyball and intended to get as many autographs as we could on Sunday. We didn't do so well mostly because we were watching the games. Although, after Misty and Kerri finished their semi-final match with a 3 game victory, we got their autographs on the ball. That's right, we got their autograph twice. They were only signing for about 10 minutes after the match because the mens was about to begin and they wanted the crowd back in because it was being televised. They each had separate lines. We didn't know that when we got in line for Kerri and after we got her signature we turned around and saw a gigantic line for Misty. That's ok, we got in line and made it.Dig after dig after dig. These players pick up the nastiest shots. There were many one arm pokes that pop the ball up, or two fist face protector hits, or one arm straight up in the air to knock it up so it doesn't keep going to the back court. Amazing! Pretty much every term you ever knew about volleyball has now been changed in the AVP to have a Y on the end of it. For example, a one arm stab is now called a stabby, a cut shot is now a cutty, a poke, that's right you guesed it, a pokey. I guess if we lived on a beach we would know the lingo. Hilarious. We had a blast. This will probably be an annual thing for us now.


Karl, Andrea, Kaden and Leland said...

I have little interest in volley ball (except when I know someone that is playing) but you just encouraged me to want to be a fan...

JB said...

I feel like I've read this before...

Alison said...

This write-up was so awesome I feel like I was actually there!!! Oh wait....maybe that's just the sunburn I feel!

The Bordelon Family said...

Ok, I'm a little jealous that you went to this and I knew NOTHING about it!! MAN... wish I could have been there!!